6/25/97 ALBA01.TXT [new Quake Single Player level] ================================================================ TITLE: ALBA01 - the "ROAD TO INVERURIE" ================================================================ Author : Neil Manke - neil@mail.netshop.net Quake C : Einar Saukas - einar@ime.usp.br ================================================================ BEFORE PLAYING PLEASE TAKE NOTE: * Visit all crucified zombies in the game. Some have very important messages for you. * ...watch for those bubbles, they can indicate passageways/etc ================================================================ ALBA TC Notes: * This map was completed before the Alba QC and as such doesn't contain the 'many' Alba QC mods. Check out the Alba site for details on all the goodies in store for following levels. * The upcoming shareware version of this map will 'probably' have the full ALBA QC and thus will provide a different gaming experience than this version. * The 'imitation' new monsters (by me) in this map are not ALBA TC monsters. Thus they are 'slightly' out of place & time, in this, their once and only 'guest' appearance :) * There is further ALBA info & hints at the end of this text file. ================================================================ Setting/story for ALBA 01 PLACE: ALBA (ANCIENT SCOTLAND) The year is 1303 A.D. The Scottish countryside is swarming with English soldiers and hideous monsters in their league. The "Road to Inverurie" starts with you as an English prisoner. Captured in Inverurie, you and your mortally wounded uncle are being taken by wagon to the 'Castle Stalker'. There a mockery of justice will be served and you will then be summarily executed for crimes against the 'Crown of England'. A fugitive member of your severely decimated Clan, has managed to blow the bridge. Your captors, finding their route blocked have stopped for the night and, assuming you have nowheres to go, have carelessly left you unguarded. Whilst they salivate over their food you make your move and escape into the wilderness. A land you should know so well is now darkly sinister and foreign. Your grandfather's old home is nearby and you set out to find it in hopes of safe haven. If the English know of it also, your only alternative shall be to backtrack and return home on... the "Road to Inverurie". ================================================================ Filename(s) : alba01.zip containing... - pak0.pak - ALBA01.txt Description : Quake Single Player level (Level 01 of the shareware version of the ALBA TC) Author : Neil Manke - neil@mail.netshop.net -I live in Kamloops, B.C. Canada, also home of my level authoring sig, the "Black Widow" spider. -I am a member of: ALBA TC - http://homepages.force9.net/crinan/ Black Star Coven - http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8666/ Quake C : Einar Saukas - einar@ime.usp.br - Brasil -Special thanks to Einar for not only the great QC but for gametesting and good suggestions on design, gameflow, etc. Lots of Thanks to the Map testers: * Magnus Jansén * Paul Taylor - AWOQ * Greg Helton Thanks to: * Ben Morris for creating Worldcraft * Id Software, of course! ================================================================ * Play information * *Single Player* : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New sound/music/graphics: New textures, skins by me New Monsters : Sort of Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Worldcraft 1.2, QBSPfull, MipDip, Newwad14, Paint Shop Pro, Light, etc. Vis-ts (vis mod by Arch Vile) Build Time : QBSP - a couple minutes : Light -extra - OO:O5:35 : Vis-ts -level 4 - OO:O5:O8 (CR 2.0) Machine Used : Dell XPS P120c Max Kills Possible : Skill 0 59 Skill 1 64 Skill 2 92 Known Bugs/nonbugs : None known...not even button sticking :) Distribution : This level may be electronically distributed only if ALBA01.txt is included and at no charge to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. I would also like to request anyone who reviews and/or lists "ALBA01" at their site to kindly inform me that they have done so. Thanks:) ================================================================ *** HOW TO RUN "Road to Inverurie" *** (with the reg. version of Quake) - you 'may' have to allocate 12 megs (I didn't) to Quake & 16 is even better. Info on changing that is in your Quake>techinfo.txt As per following diagram, create a directory in Quake parallel to Id1 named ALBA and extract the pak0.pak contained in ALBA01.zip directly into the ALBA directory. * DO NOT extract into the id1 directory * C:\QUAKE | +--- ID1 | | | +--- MAPS | +--- ALBA---pak0.pak Start quake with the parameter: QUAKE -game ALBA THEN...pull down the console (by using the ~ tilde key) ]skill 0 <--- or 1, or 2 ]map alba01 **Win95 EXAMPLE (also allocates 16 megs to quake): Quake properties>Program>Cmd Line: C:\QUAKE\QUAKE.EXE -winmem 16 -game alba ================================================================ ALBA TC INFO: by Colin Anderson, Project Manager Alba is going to be a massive Quake Total Conversion. It's going to replace at least two episodes, has 8 player classes, will have over 60 weapons and spells......Yeah, it's gonna be pretty big. Alba is a TC 'loosely' based on Scotland's fight against the English for independance. It's set in 1303 A.D, and all the maps with Alba will fit into this timescale. If you happen to be from a UK software distributer and are interested in distributing Alba in the UK then _please_ get in touch with me ASAP. I can be reached at : anderson@crinan.force9.net. If you have any ideas or suggestions for Alba, then don't hesitate to mail me. Alba is set in 1303 during the time when Edward I and his English armies were invading Scotland. William Wallace has just been killed, the Scottish resistance to English rule is feeling morally low. Something must be done... A village nearby to your own has been burned by the English, it's inhabitants - men, women and children - have all been slaughtered. You and your fellow villagers get together to discuss what you're going to do about the English. You decide that you can't let them take away your homeland, that you must rid your country of the English once and for all... Knowing you are fierce in battle your fellow villagers choose you to lead them. The very next day you and the men from your village set out in search of the soldiers that burned the nearby village. It isn't long before you spot them - heading towards your village. Although the odds are against you, outnumbered at least 2-1, you charge into battle... Determination and your anger win you your first battle in your struggle for your homeland's freedom. You know that if you are to rid this land of English rule you will face many more battles. You may live, you may die, but if you die it will be for a cause - the cause of your country and all it's people. So begins your fight for the freedom of Scotland.... .........for the freedom of Alba... ALBA TC - http://homepages.force9.net/crinan/ ================================================================ ======SPOILER WARNING: READ ONLY IF YOU WANT HINTS============== * Visit all crucified zombies in the game. Some have very important messages for you. * ...watch for those bubbles, they can indicate passageways/etc Secret Spots: 1) A small, dark, underwater cave directly west of the wagon. West is the direction you are facing to leap out of the wagon at the level's start. 2) In the small canyon that connects the start area and Grandfather's Lake is a ledge with a bunch of items on it. To reach it you must get onto the high ledge by the 'rainwater catch pool' overlooking Granddad's home...then you can jump to a lower ledge on the right and then you can jump across the lake and then down to another ledge, etc. 3) Shoot the bed in the Gatekeeper's room and it will move to reveal a hidden room under the floor. 4) Lava Cavern...when you first enter turn right immediately and go all the way to the far right...turn 90 deg. left and you are staring straight at it. 5) At the shed near the large levels exit doors. Ride the elevator up and then go over the shed roof and down. 6) Upper right of the large exit doors a spike ammo box can be seen. Reach it by leaping down onto the log wall from the lookout platform then jump across. A few placess where you may get hung up... a)The silver key [required to open Grandfather's door] is in a cave behind the upper section of the waterfall west of the wagon in the start area (there are bubbles where the opening is). To get there you must jump down from the ledge on the rock wall above it. There is an underwater cave on the same wall as the ledge and south of the ledge and that will take you to the ledge. b)To get to the area above Grandad's cabin. Shoot Grandfather's picture to get out the back of his old home, and there you can climb a rock incline, leap onto the cabin's roof, then onto the chimney...etc. Up there is a pool that has an channel that will lead you into a cave. c) After the lava cavern is a set of bars that will not open until you have pushed all 4 'face stones' that are in the lava cavern. 1 'face stone' is in a cave directly below the stone arches where you first are above lava. 2 'face stones' are in the cavern's roof/sky opening area. Leap onto the pillar in the center of the lava pool and it will take you up there. The last face stone is in plain view in the main area of the lava cavern.